Collection Size 22,980 items

Books, movies, music and more!

Computer Sessions 1,558 past 12 months
Wireless Sessions 7,674 past 12 months

on 2,018 devices

Items Circulated 23,115

In the past 12 months

Weekly Circulation

Wireless Sessions

Public Computer Sessions

New Users

Circulation Statistics (past 12 months)

Books in Collection 19,719

Audiobooks + Books + Children's Books

Books Circulated 19,583

Past 12 months

Audiovisual Materials 3,303

Audiobooks + Movies + Music

AV Materials Circulated 3,409

Past 12 months

Collection Distribution

Collection Statistics

Cumulative collection statistics from the last 12 months.
Type Count Added Removed Change
Audiobooks 584 39 73 -5.50%
Books 14,008 683 551 +0.95%
Children's Books 5,127 248 303 -1.06%
Magazines 530 464 443 +4.13%
Movies 1,753 83 132 -2.72%
Music 966 1 116 -10.64%
Other 12 3 2 +9.09%